Classes about to begin... Enroll Now!

Day Classes to begin every 6 months.

Contact Kathleen Benzie at 423-847-1417 to enroll or for further information.

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Continuing Education | Dates


Coming in July and November, 2018 | Hixson, Tennessee

CALL 423-847-1417 for Registration or


TN Law & Ethics CE class

TN LAW & ETHICS for LMTs with Barbara Orr, LMT              REGISTER HERE!!

May 5, 2018 -- 9:00am - 1:00pm $80 | (4 CE Hours)

This CE class offers 2 CE hours for TN Law and 2 CE hours for Ethics.  Discussion on Ethics will be from 9am - 11am & Law will be discussed from 11am - 1pm.

TN Law CE class

TN LAW for LMTs with Barbara Orr, LMT              REGISTER HERE!!

May 5, 2018 -- 9:00am - 1:00pm $200 | (5 CE Hours)

This CE class offers a full 5 CE hours for TN Law.  Discussion on Law will be discussed from 11am - 4pm.

Your Instructor: Melissa Cope, LMBT (NC #4552) | Asheville Massage Therapy

Melissa Cope, LMBT (NC #4552)

------------ SEATS LIMITED -------------

November 9, 2018 -- 9:00am - 5:00pm (one day only) $135.00 | (7 CE Hours) -- more info or  call for details!! 

Light Touch for Headaches and Migraines | November 9, 2018 light touch techniques

November 10 & 11, 2018 -- 9:00am - 4:00pm (both days) $250.00 | (12 CE Hours) -- more info  or  REGISTER HERE!!  

Easy Deep Tissue: More Pressure, Less Effort | November 10-11, 2018 easy deep tissue

Coming in July, 2018 | Massage for TMJ Dysfunction" (7 CE hours) & "Getting Specific: Hip & Shoulder Girdles" (14 CE hours)

Your Instructor: Melissa Cope, LMBT (NC #4552) | Asheville Massage Therapy

July 20, 2018 -- 9:00am - 5:00pm (one day only) $135.00 | (7 CE Hours) -- more info or REGISTER HERE!! 

"Massage for TMJ Dysfunction" (7 CE hours) 

Massage for TMJ Dysfunction

$135.00 >> REGISTER HERE  or call (423) 847-1417 

After completing this course each participant will be able to identify the major muscles involved in TM joint movement, better understand the causes of TMJ pain, and apply specific Swedish techniques to help reduce TMJ pain. 

July 21, 22 2018 -- 9:00am - 5:00pm (both days) $270.00 | (14 CE Hours) -- more info or REGISTER HERE!! 

"Getting Specific: Hip & Shoulder Girdles" (14 CE hours)

Hip & Shoulder Girdles

$270.00 >> REGISTER HERE  or call (423) 847-1417

Each morning will learn ways to ask the client to actively engage muscles to improve your palpation skills and help you isolate specific muscles in each area, making your work more efficient and effective. Afternoons will include a demonstration of techniques for the hip or shoulder girdle, and then an exchange to practice and receive the work. 


see all class descriptions here

Melissa Cope, LMBT (NC #4552)
NCBTMB Provider #451901-12


CMI Massage Therapy New Student Inquiry Form

For questions, please call 423-847-1417.

Our Location

Our Hours

Last clinic (1 hour) appointment taken at 5:00 pm ET

Massage Clinic Hours

Mon - Sat:

9:00 am - 6:00 pm



School Administration Hours

Mon - Fri:

9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Day Class Hours

Mon - Thu:

9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Friday - Sunday:
